Here is the abstract of a research paper by Vedavaapi published at 18th World Sanskrit Conference 2023 in Australia under Computational and Digital Humanities section. Sai Susarla, Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka, Vaishnavi Nishankar, Siva Panuganti, Anupama Ryali, and S Sushrutha. 2023. Shaastra Maps: Enabling Conceptual Exploration of Indic Shaastra Texts. In Proceedings of the Computational Sanskrit &…
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Vedavaapi: A Platform for Community-sourced Indic Knowledge Processing at Scale Paper on Vedavaapi’s platform architecture. The full paper is available here. Abstract Indic heritage knowledge is embedded in millions of manuscripts at various stages of digitization and analysis. Numerous powerful tools and techniques have been developed for linguistic analysis of Samskrit and Indic language texts.…
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